What is Calcium Silicate Board?

Golden Power Calcium Silicate Board is a non combustible matrix engineered mineral board reinforced with selected fibres and fillers. It does not contain formaldehyde.
The Calcium Silicate Board is off-white in colour and has a smooth finish on one face with a sanded reverse face. The board can be left undecorated or easily finished with paints, wallpapers or tiles.
Golden Power Calcium Silicate Board is resistant to the effects of moisture and will not physically deteriorate when used in damp or humid conditions, although Calcium Silicate Board is not designed for application in areas subject to continual damp or high temperatures.
Tunnels need to be able to withstand extreme high temperatures. Golden Power has developed special boards and sprays that not protect tunnels from fire and keep them maintenance-free for years to come.

Post time: Jun-07-2024